Ab 200 Euro Warenwert - Kostenfreier Versand in Deutschland


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Slotkabel 25 Pin Parallel Buchse
Slot cable 25 pin parallel female to 26 pin FL...
Slot cable 25 pin parallel female to 26 pin FL slot, 30cm long
€3.59 *
LowProfile Slotkabel 25 Pin Parallel 30cm länge
Low Profile Slot Cable 25 Pin Parallel Female...
Low Profile Slot Cable 25 Pin Parallel Female to 26 Pin FL Slot, 30cm long
€3.59 *
SATA Power Kabel 15 Pin zu 4 Pin Floppy
SATA Power cable with 15 Pin SATA connector to...
SATA Power cable with 15 Pin SATA connector to 4 Pin Floppy connector
€4.43 *
SATA Power Kabel 15 Pin zu 4 Pin Molex
SATA Power cable with 15 pin SATA connector to...
SATA Power cable with 15 pin SATA connector to 4 pin Molex Power connector
€3.57 *
Serial-ATA Kabel mit Metalclip , 0.5 Meter
SATA 3 Gb/s connection cable, with latch, 0.5m
S-ATA data cable for connecting S-ATA devices to the S-ATA controller. The connector is equipped with a locking device. The lock prevents the cable from slipping off the S-ATA connectors. To remove the latch, simply press the latch down....
€4.00 *
Serial-ATA Kabel mit Metalclip , 1 Meter
SATA 3 Gb/s connection cable, with latch, 1.0m
S-ATA data cable for connecting S-ATA devices to the S-ATA controller. The connector is equipped with a locking device. The lock prevents the cable from slipping off the S-ATA connectors. To remove the latch, simply press the latch down....
€1.71 *
S-ATA Anschlusskabel abgewinkelt 0,5 m länge
SATA 3 Gb/s connection cable, 0.5m, angled
S-ATA data cable for connecting S-ATA devices to the S-ATA controller. Technical Specification: S-ATA data cable Compatible with S-ATA 1.0 Standard 7 core cable UL21149 4x data lines, 3x ground lines One connector angled length: 0.5m
€1.14 *
S-ATA Stromkabel 1x 4 Pin an 1x 15 Pin, 15cm
S-ATA power cable 1x 4pin male to 15pin female,...
S-ATA power cable 1x 4pin male to 15pin female. Technical specification: length: approx. 0.15m
€1.51 *
S-ATA Y-Stromkabel 1x 4 Pin an 2x 15 Pin, 15cm
S-ATA Y-power cable 1x 4pin male to 2x 15pin,...
S-ATA Y power cable 1x 4pin to 2x 15pin. Technical specification: length: approx. 0.15m
€2.00 *